Promotional Services for Independent Filmmakers
Promoting a film draws on a completely different set of skills than producing a film. There are proper and customary ways of approaching media, and potential distributors. When your promotional materials are professionally prepared, they will tend to be better received, which provides you with a substantial competitive advantage.
I have promoted over thirty-five films, and worked with an Academy Award Winning Best Actor for ten years, who called me a "Miracle Man"!
Publicity -- Create a unique media message, designed to expand your audience, and strengthen your competitive position. Distributed to entertainment media outlets. (Check out our Recent Media Placements.)
Distributor, Sales Agent, Possible Co-Production Partner Contact -- Forget about the "Unsolicited Submission" letters, I contact industry professionals on your behalf in the way they are accustomed to be contacted.
Publicity Consulting / Analysis and Recommendations -- Assistance with structuring and managing your film's marketing program. One time, or ongoing.
Sure, you can go to a larger firm, and pay a lot more, or you can hire someone starting out, and take your chances. (We all started somewhere!)
I guarantee you that you will never find a better value combination of professionally prepared promotional materials, great customer service, and results, than what I will provide to you.
Learn more, get back to me and discover how easy it is to get started!

Stephen C. Thompson

Thompson Communications
(Google Voice line, for
quick voicemail and text.)
Skype: stephen.thompson580
Thompson Communications is a Fee for Services company
I do not accept deferred payment or commission arrangements.